Premium Payment Flexibility Continues to be Encouraged

On June 18, 2021, the Department of Insurance issued Bulletin 2021-03, which replaces rescinded bulletins, including Bulleting 2020-03. 

Bulletin 2020-03 provides guidance on certain employee eligibility, grace period, continuation of coverage and special enrollment requirements during the state of emergency.

Bulletin 2021-03 encourages insurers to provide flexibility to their insured during the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, including providing a grace period for premium payment and payment accommodations such as deferring payments at no cost, extending payment due dates, and waiving late or reinstatement fees. The bulletin defines insurers as health plan issuers which includes (but is not limited to) insurance companies, stop loss insurers, health insuring corporations, MEWAs and nonfederal governmental health plans.

While this guidance applies to insurers, employers should be aware of these developments.

Bulletin 2021-03 »