“Always-on” Care Pays Off for Employers and Employees

MetLife's 2024 U.S. Employee Benefit Trends Study confirms that delivering employee care across key moments in both workers’ professional and personal lives positively impacts talent outcomes for employers and employees’ overall health and happiness.

Employees who feel cared for are 1.2x more productive, 1.3x more loyal, and 1.5x happier than those who don’t feel cared for. Holistic well-being improves an impressive 2.1x.

To those ends, MetLife's analysis identified the top moments with substantial impacts on employee perceptions of care.

These instances include some of life’s meaningful moments, some more routine events, as well as moments in workers’ personal lives that employers aren’t always aware of or thinking about.

Employers who want to make always-on care a reality need to think and act across the board. If they do, they’ll realize positive benefits across the board, as well.

The 2024 U.S. Employee Benefit Trends Study reveals how.

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